Circuit 1 - On the minute every minute for 10 minutes.
Rule: You have one minute to complete one full set of the 3 following exercises. If you finish your set before the minute is up, the remainder of the minute is your break. If you don't finish the full set before the 1 minute is up, stop where ever you are on your set, you do not get a break, and you will start the next set from exercise one.
Set your interval training timers to stay on track.
Exercise 1: Body Squats - 10 repetitions
Exercise 2: Sit Ups - 6 repetitions
Exercise 3: Push Ups - 4 repetitions
Circuit 2 - Like a Burpee - 2 sets
Exercise 1: Modified Burpee (sprawl to a plank position; do 4 alternating leg raises; jump back; stand and jump) - 10 repetitions
Exercise 2: Crunches - 35 repetitions
Exercise 3: Plank Jacks - 30 repetitions
Circuit 3 - Balance and Stability - 1 set
Single-Leg Balance Holds - 30-second holds on each leg (do not rest the leg, immediately go onto the next exercise)
Single-Leg Balance Pulse - 30-second holds on each leg (do not rest the leg, immediately go onto the next exercise)
Single-Leg Balance Extensions (like a kick) - 30-second holds on each leg
Cool Down
If you have a foam roller, do some self-myofascial release followed by static stretching.